Mick and Beth Rule the School

Mick and Beth Rule the School

Mick and Beth Rule the School

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Genre: Comedy

Format: Live In-Person Performance

Keywords: Shakespeare Adaptation, Politics, Power Struggles, Supernatural

Cast Size: 20+ (8 male, 7 female, 5+ any), optional extras

Duration: 90 minutes

Time Period: 1989

Cautions: References to murder and death, mild language and insults

Contact info@gitelmangoodpublishers.com with questions.

A modern, laugh-out-loud twist on Shakespeare’s Macbeth, set in the cutthroat world of 1989 high school politics. Nerdy Mick McKenzie unexpectedly becomes Vice-President of the student body, and with the manipulative guidance of his ambitious twin sister Beth, he sets his sights on becoming president. Along the way, they encounter a trio of goth witches who prophesize Mick’s rise to power, leading him down a dark path of scheming, betrayal, and guilt. As Mick climbs the social ladder, friends and rivals fall victim to their plot, and the consequences of their ambition spiral out of control. Packed with humor, 80s pop culture, and supernatural elements, this play offers a fresh take on timeless themes of power and ambition.

How we price. We determine price by multiplying $10 (the cost of a paper script) by the number of cast and crew.

How you license. When you checkout, you simply select the number of times you'll perform the play in front of an audience ($65 per performance).

What you get. You receive an instant PDF download that you're licensed to use.